smiley :)


on October 15, 2013,d.aGc&psig=AFQjCNG_Q5uL7T230EGUjjsw9JiO9trOZQ&ust=1381802333210176

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This 1st semester, Academic Year 2013-2014 was a blast! All of my 21 units were all major classes. In addition to that, I’m also part of the student council in our college and a varsity player in the university.


With the power of this reflection blog in my SS 140: Exercise Physiology class, my semester will end! It can only be done by answering the question: “What are the most important lessons learned in SS140 as a/an student, athlete, future teacher/coach/doctor/whatever profession you desire?”



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I’ve learned a lot in SS 140. My college life will never be complete without this course.


This course shows me the difference between a physical activity and an exercise. In a deeper context, I’ve learned how the body responds in the activities that we do, how muscles contract when doing a certain action, how different energy systems work together, step by step, to drive us through, which muscle fiber is activated during a certain type of exercise or activity, etc. I also learned the different side of the health and skill related fitness. The course didn’t just define the parameters, but explained them appropriately, in a way that they are interrelated with the structure and functions of our body.


All of them were very important to me, as a student. It’s because all of them were connected to one another and all of them were associated to the previous and future courses to be taken.  These were very valuable in my future profession. And I’m certain that even if this course wasn’t required, I’ll still take this for sure. J






I’ve been an athlete for about 13 years. And during those years, I didn’t know about how are body’s energy works when we do our training sessions and workouts.


In my opinion, as an athlete, it’s very important to know the energy systems of the body. It makes you aware of what your body is capable of and how you can train it to boost enough and or full energy in your race.


I’ve also learn about the 4 vital nutrients and how it affects the energy systems of our body.


Now, I understand why we have “carbo-loading”! Carbohydrates are very essential to an athlete. They are the ones that will be burn first and will act as a fuel during your workout.


As an athlete, those were the most important things I’ve learned in SS 140.  🙂






Of course, I’ll need whatever I gain, when I was a student, to succeed in my profession.


I want to teach. I feel some magic when I teach and when I see that my students are learning.


As a future physical educator, I think that the most important lessons I’ve learned in SS 140 were the health and skill related fitness parameters. I think that they are very useful for teaching a skill and developing that talent of an individual into the next level, depending on the parameter required in a certain skill.




Now that I’ve answer the question, LET’S CELEBRATE! WOOHOOOO!  🙂




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